R2DBC SPI Changelog ============================= 0.8.0.RELEASE ------------------ * Update changelog for 0.8.0.RELEASE #140 * Extend Javadoc and refine specification #139 * Document backpressure behavior related to fetching results #137 * Fix typo #135 * Remove Statement.bind(index, ) methods #134 * Change default mapping of BLOB and CLOB column types to ByteBuffer respective String #133 * Malformed header in spec #131 * Change default mapping of BLOB and CLOB column types to ByteBuffer and String #130 * Release 0.8.0.RC1 #129 * Inconsistent Statement.bind(int, …) vs bind(String, Object) #124 0.8.0.RC1 ------------------ * Add automatic module name #128 * Upgrade to Reactor Dysprosium GA #127 * Documentation edits #126 * Prevent Result leaking in batch test #125 * Replace spring-boot-starter-jdbc with spring-jdbc #123 * Remove repositories declaration from published pom #121 * Editing #120 * Use int and String identifier for RowMetadata #119 * Expose Connection metadata #118 * Refine parameter binding requirements #117 * Clean up Statement.bind*(Object) and Result.get(Object) methods #116 * Use int and String identifier in bind(Object, …) and get(Object, …) methods #115 * Correct binding in TestKit #114 * Upgrade maven-compiler-plugin to 3.8.1 #110 * Upgrade Spring Boot to 2.1.7.RELEASE #109 * Upgrade to Dysprosium-M3 #108 * Auto-generated key test improvements #106 * Make "INSERT INTO" overridable for `returnGeneratedValues` in TCK #105 * Expose Connection metadata #104 * Updated documentation #102 * Feedback on R2DBC Type Mapping #97 * Spec contains incomplete wording #96 * Rename Example to TestKit #93 * Add specification for Statement.fetchSize #92 * Add specification for Closeable #91 * Allow url parser to have empty password #89 * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when connection URL contains an user without a password #88 * Specify transaction/auto-commit behavior #78 * Spec documentation: Add overview for Statement #77 * Object vs. int and String identifier in bind(Object, …) and get(Object) methods #76 * Introduce Connection.isValid() method #54 * Positional Argument Binding Index #33 0.8.0.M8 ------------------ * Migrate IsolationLevel to interface #82 * Spec documentation: Add detailed specification for Result and Row #81 * Spec documentation: Add detailed specification for Wrapped #80 * Spec documentation: Add detailed specification for Statement #79 * R2dbcBadGrammarException should expose getter for offendingSql #74 * Improve RowMetadata for presence/absence check of columns #56 * Add R2DBC Exception Hierarchy #53 * Add diagnostic information to ConnectionFactories #52 * Add contribution guidelines #50 * Add diagnostic information to ConnectionFactoryProvider and ConnectionFactories #49 * Add R2DBC Connection URL support #48 * Introduce R2DBC Exception Hierarchy #47 * BLOB/CLOB API #41 * Switch to 0.8.0 versioning scheme 1.0.0.M7 ------------------ * Update changelog for M7 #45 * Improved documentation (spec, license, guide) #32, #36 * Nullability enforcement returns accurate exception #31 * Reinstated generated value retrieval #25 * Removed recursive generics in Statement and Batch #24 * Improved support for column metadata #22 * Add support for ConnectionFactory discovery #10 * Add support for observability/tracing with the r2dbc-proxy project #9, #29 1.0.0.M6 ------------------ * executeReturningGeneratedKeys() should allow keys to be specified #17 * Publish a code formatting guideline #15 * Drop Support for Transaction Mutability #14 * R2DBC API: Statement.bind(Integer, Object) should be Statement.bind(int, Object) #6 * R2DBC API: Provide Statement.bindNull(…) accepting integer index #5 * Identifier Ambiguity #3 1.0.0.M4 ------------------ * R2DBC API: Provide Row.get(Object identifier) #4 * Upgrade to Reactor Californium #1