© 2017-2019 The original authors.
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Specification: R2DBC - Reactive Relational Database Connectivity Version: 0.8.3.RELEASE Status: Final Specification Lead: Pivotal Software, Inc. Release: 2020-10-20 Copyright 2017-2019 the original author or authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
R2DBC brings a reactive programming API to relational data stores. The Introduction contains more details about its origins and explains its goals.
This document describes the first and initial generation of R2DBC.
1. Introduction
R2DBC stands for Reactive Relational Database Connectivity. R2DBC started as an experiment and proof of concept to enable integration of SQL databases into systems that use reactive programming models –- Reactive in the sense of an event-driven, non-blocking, and functional programming model that does not make assumptions over concurrency or asynchronicity. Instead, it assumes that scheduling and parallelization happen as part of runtime scheduling.
1.1. The R2DBC SPI
The R2DBC SPI provides reactive programmatic access to relational databases from Java and other JVM-based programming languages.
R2DBC specifies a service-provider interface (SPI) that is intended to be implemented by driver vendors and used by client libraries. By using the R2DBC SPI, applications written in a JVM programming language can run SQL statements and retrieve results by using an underlying data source. You can also use the R2DBC SPI to interact with multiple data sources in a distributed, heterogeneous environment. R2DBC targets primarily, but is not limited to, relational databases. It aims for a range of data sources whose query and statement interface is based on SQL (or an SQL-like dialect) and that represent their data in a tabular form.
A key difference between R2DBC and imperative data access SPIs is the deferred nature of execution.
R2DBC is, therefore, based on Reactive Streams and uses the concepts of Publisher
and Subscriber
to allow non-blocking back-pressure-aware data access.
1.2. Requirements and Conventions
R2DBC requires Java 8 as baseline and Reactive Streams in terms of a reactive inter-op API.
A note about modules: R2DBC allow for deployment to JDK 9’s module path ("Jigsaw"). For use in Jigsaw-enabled applications, the R2DBC SPI comes with "Automatic-Module-Name" manifest entries which define stable language-level module names ("r2dbc.spi") instead using the artifact name. Of course, R2DBC jars keep working fine on the classpath on both JDK 8 and 9+.
R2DBC’s SPI uses non-null semantics by default.
Nullable API members are annotated with @io.r2dbc.spi.Nullable
This annotation and @NonNullApi
are meta-annotated with JSR 305 annotations (a dormant but wide-spread JSR).
JSR-305 meta-annotations let tooling vendors like IDEA or Kotlin provide null-safety support in a generic way, without having to hard-code support for R2DBC annotations.
It is not necessary nor recommended to add a JSR-305 dependency to the project classpath to take advantage of a null-safe API.
R2DBC generally uses zero-based indexes for parameter binding and columns.
1.3. Target Audience
This specification is targeted primarily towards:
Vendors of drivers that implement the R2DBC SPI.
Vendors of client implementations who wish to implement a client on top of the R2DBC SPI.
Vendors of runtime libraries who wish to embed R2DBC into their eco-system to provide R2DBC runtime services.
This specification is also intended to offer:
An introduction for end-users whose applications use the R2DBC SPI.
A starting point for developers of other SPIs layered on top of the R2DBC SPI.
Code examples in this specification assume external subscription to Publisher
objects for brevity.
1.4. Acknowledgements
The R2DBC specification work is being conducted as an effort of individuals that recognized the demand for a reactive, standardized API for relational database access. We want to thank all contributing members for their countless hours of work and discussion.
Thanks also go to Ollie Drotbohm, without whom this initiative would not even exist.
1.5. Following Development
For information on R2DBC source code repositories, nightly builds, and snapshot artifacts, see the R2DBC homepage. You can help make R2DBC best serve the needs of the community by interacting with developers through the community. To follow developer activity, look for the mailing list information on the R2DBC homepage. If you encounter a bug or want to suggest an improvement, please create a ticket on the R2DBC issue tracker. R2DBC has an open-source organization on GitHub that bundles the various projects (SPI and drivers) under R2DBC.
To stay up to date with the latest news and announcements in the R2DBC eco system, you can subscribe to the mailing list. You can also follow the project team on Twitter (@R2DBC).
1.6. Project Metadata
Version control: https://github.com/r2dbc/r2dbc-spi
Mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/r2dbc
Issue tracker: https://github.com/r2dbc/r2dbc-spi/issues
Release repository: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2
Snapshot repository: https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots
2. Goals
This section outlines the goals for R2DBC and the design philosophy for its SPI. It covers the following topics:
2.1. Enabling Reactive Relational Database Connectivity
The R2DBC specification aims for establishing an interface that has a minimal API surface to integrate with relational databases by using a reactive programming model. The most significant goals are honoring and embracing the properties of reactive programming, including the following:
Non-blocking I/O
Deferred execution
Treating application control as a series of events (data, errors, completion, and so on)
No longer assuming control of resources but leaving resource scheduling to the runtime or platform (“React to resource availability”)
Efficiently using resources
Leaving flow control to be handled by the runtime
Stream-oriented data consumption
Functional programming within operators
Removing assumptions over concurrency from the programming model and leaving this aspect up the runtime
Using back-pressure to allow flow control, deferring the actual execution and not overwhelming consumers
2.2. Fitting into Reactive JVM platforms
R2DBC aims for seamless integration of reactive JVM platforms, targeting Java as its primary platform. R2DBC should also be usable from other platforms (such as Kotlin or Scala) without scarifying its SPI for the sake of idiomatic use on a different platform.
2.3. Offering Vendor-neutral Access to Standard Features
R2DBC SPI strives to provide access to features that are commonly found across different vendor implementations. The goal here is to provide a balance between features that are implemented in a driver and these that are better implemented in a client library.
2.4. Embracing Vendor-specific Features
Each database comes with its own feature set and how these are implemented. R2DBC’s goal is to define a minimal standard over commonly used functionality and allow for vendor-specific deviation. Drivers can implement additional functionality or make these transparent through the R2DBC SPI.
2.5. Keeping the Focus on SQL
The focus of R2DBC is on accessing relational data from the Java programming language by using databases that provide an SQL interface with which to interact.
The goal here is not to limit implementations to relational-only databases. Instead, the goal is to provide guidance for uniform reactive data access by using tabular data consumption patterns.
2.6. Keeping It Minimal and Simple
R2DBC does not aim to be a general-purpose data-access API.
R2DBC specializes in reactive data access and common usage patterns that result from relational data interaction. R2DBC does not aim to abstract common functionality that needs to be re-implemented by driver vendors in a similar manner. It aims to leave this functionality to client libraries, of which there are typically fewer implementations than drivers.
2.7. Providing a Foundation for Tools and Higher-level APIs
The R2DBC SPI aims for being primarily consumed though client library implementations.
It does not aim to be an end-user or application developer programming interface.
Having a uniform reactive relational data access SPI makes R2DBC a valuable target platform for tool vendors and application developers who want to create portable tools and applications.
3. Compliance
This chapter identifies the required features of a D2DBC driver implementation to claim compliance. Any features not identified here are considered optional.
3.1. Definitions
To avoid ambiguity, we will use the following terms in the compliance section and across this specification:
- R2DBC driver implementation
(short form: driver)A driver that implements the R2DBC SPI. A driver may provide support for features that are not implemented by the underlying database or expose functionality that is not declared by the R2DBC SPI (See Extension).
- Supported feature
A feature for which the R2DBC SPI implementation supports standard syntax and semantics.
- Partially supported feature
A feature for which some methods are implemented with standard syntax and semantics and some required methods are not implemented (typically covered by
interface methods). - Extension
A feature that is not covered by R2DBC or a non-standard implementation of a feature that is covered.
- Fully implemented
Term to express that an interface has all its methods implemented to support the semantics defined in this specification.
- Must implement
Term to express that an interface must be implemented, although some methods on the interface are considered optional. Methods that are not implemented rely on the
3.2. Guidelines and Requirements
The following guidelines apply to R2DBC compliance:
An R2DBC SPI should implement SQL support as its primary interface. R2DBC does not rely upon (nor does it presume) a specific SQL version. SQL and aspects of statements can be entirely handled in the data source or as part of the driver.
The specification consists of this specification document and the specifications documented in each interface’s Javadoc.
Drivers supporting parametrized statements must support bind parameter markers.
Drivers supporting parametrized statements must support at least one parameter binding method (indexed or named).
Drivers must support transactions.
Index references to columns and parameters are zero-based. That is, the first index begins with
3.3. R2DBC SPI Compliance
A driver that is compliant with the R2DBC specification must do the following:
Adhere to the guidelines and requirements listed under Guidelines and Requirements.
discovery through Java Service Loader ofConnectionFactoryProvider
. -
Implement a non-blocking I/O layer.
Fully implement the following interfaces:
Implement the
interface, except for the following optional methods:-
: Calling this method should throw anUnsupportedOperations
exception for drivers that do not support savepoints. -
: Calling this method should be a no-op for drivers that do not support savepoint release. -
: Calling this method should throw anUnsupportedOperations
exception for drivers that do not support savepoints.
Implement the
interface, except for the following optional methods:-
: Calling this method should be a no-op for drivers that do not support key generation. -
: Calling this method should be a no-op for drivers that do not support fetch size hints.
Implement the
interface, except for the following optional methods:-
A driver can implement optional Extensions if it is able to provide extension functionality specified by R2DBC.
4. Overview
R2DBC provides an API for Java programs to access one or more sources of data. In the majority of cases, the data source is a relational DBMS and its data is accessed using SQL. R2DBC drivers are not limited to RDBMS but can be implemented on top of other data sources, including stream-oriented systems and object-oriented systems. A primary motivation for R2DBC SPI is to provide a standard API for reactive applications to integrate with a wide variety of data sources.
This chapter gives an overview of the API and the key concepts of the R2DBC SPI. It includes the following topics:
4.1. Establishing a Connection
R2DBC uses the Connection
interface to define a logical connection API to the underlying data source.
The structure of a connection depends on the actual requirements of a data source and how the driver implements these.
In a typical scenario, an application that uses R2DBC connects to a target data source byusing one of two mechanisms:
: R2DBC SPI provides this fully implemented class. It providesConnectionFactory
discovery functionality for applications that want to obtain a connection without using a vendor-specific API. When an application first attempts to connect to a data source,ConnectionFactories
automatically loads any R2DBC driver found on the classpath by using Java’sServiceLoader
mechanism. See ConnectionFactory Discovery for the details of how to implement the discovery mechanism for a particular driver. -
: AConnectionFactory
is implemented by a driver and provides access toConnection
creation. An application that wants to configure vendor-specific aspects of a driver can use the vendor-specificConnectionFactory
creation mechanism to configure aConnectionFactory
4.1.1. Using ConnectionFactory
As mentioned earlier, R2DBC supports the concept of discovery to find an appropriate driver for a connection request.
Providing a ConnectionFactory
to an application is typically a configuration infrastructure task.
Applications that wish to bootstrap an R2DBC client typically handle this aspect directly in application code and, so, discovery can become a task for application developers.
provides two standard mechanisms to bootstrap a ConnectionFactory
URL-based: R2DBC supports a uniform URL-based configuration scheme with a well-defined structure and well-known configuration properties. URLs are represented as Java
and can be passed toConnectionFactories
lookup. -
Programmatic: In addition to a URL-based configuration, R2DBC provides a programmatic approach so that applications can supply structured configuration options to obtain a
In addition to the two preceding methods, R2DBC embraces a mixed mechanism as typical configuration infrastructure mixes URL- and programmatic-based configuration of data sources for enhanced flexibility. A typical use case is the separation of concerns in which data-source coordinates are supplied by using a URL while login credentials originate from a different configuration source.
4.1.2. R2DBC Connection URL
R2DBC defines a standard URL format that is an enhanced form of RFC 3986 Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax and its amendments supported by Java’s java.net.URI
The following listing shows the syntax Components from RFC3986:
URI = scheme ":" driver [ ":" protocol ] ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
scheme = "r2dbc" / "r2dbcs"
driver = ALPHA *( ALPHA )
protocol = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." / ":")
hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty
/ path-absolute
/ path-rootless
/ path-empty
authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ] [ "," host [ ":" port ] ]
userinfo = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" )
host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name
port = *DIGIT
path-abempty = *( "/" segment )
path-absolute = "/" [ segment-nz *( "/" segment ) ]
path-rootless = segment-nz *( "/" segment )
path-empty = 0
segment = *pchar
segment-nz = 1*pchar
segment-nz-nc = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / "@" )
; non-zero-length segment without any colon ":"
query = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
fragment = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@"
sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
/ "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
\___/ \______/ \___/ \____________/\__________/\___________/
| | | | | |
scheme driver protocol authority path query
: Identify that the URL is a valid R2DBC URL. Valid schemes arer2dbc
(configure SSL usage). -
: Identifier for a driver. The specification has no authority over driver identifiers. -
: Used as optional protocol information to configure a driver-specific protocol. Protocols can be organized hierarchically and are separated by a colon (:
). -
: Contains an endpoint and authorization. The authority may contain a single host or a collection of hostnames and port tuples by separating these with a comma (,
). -
: (optional) Used as an initial schema or database name. -
: (optional) Used to pass additional configuration options in the form ofString
key-value pairs by using the key name as the option name. -
: Unused (reserved for future use).
parses a R2DBC URL into ConnectionFactoryOptions
using standard and optional extended options.
A R2DBC Connection URL is parsed into the following options (by using ConnectionFactoryOptions
The following listing shows an example URL:
The following table describes the standard options:
Option | URL Part | Value as per Example |
Unconfigured. |
User-part of |
Password-part of |
Host-part of |
Port-part of |
The following table describes the extended options:
Option | URL Part | Value as per Example |
key-value tuple from |
R2DBC defines well-known standard options that are available as runtime constants through ConnectionFactories .
Additional options identifiers are created through Option.valueOf(…) .
Note that Connection URL Parsing cannot access Option type information T due to Java’s type erasure.
Options configured by URL parsing are represented as String values.
using R2DBC URLConnectionFactory factory = ConnectionFactories.get("r2dbc:a-driver:pipes://localhost:3306/my_database?locale=en_US");
using ConnectionFactoryOptions
ConnectionFactoryOptions options = ConnectionFactoryOptions.builder()
.option(ConnectionFactoryOptions.DRIVER, "a-driver")
.option(ConnectionFactoryOptions.PROTOCOL, "pipes")
.option(ConnectionFactoryOptions.HOST, "localhost")
.option(ConnectionFactoryOptions.PORT, 3306)
.option(ConnectionFactoryOptions.DATABASE, "my_database")
.option(Option.valueOf("locale"), "en_US")
ConnectionFactory factory = ConnectionFactories.get(options);
4.2. Running SQL and Retrieving Results
Once a connection has been established, an application using the R2DBC SPI can execute queries and updates against the connected database. The R2DBC SPI provides a text-based command interface to the most commonly used features of SQL databases. R2DBC driver implementations may expose additional functionality in a non-standard way.
Applications use methods in the Connection
interface to specify transaction attributes and create Statement
or Batch
These statements are used to execute SQL and retrieve results and allow for binding values to parameter bind markers.
The Result
interface encapsulates the results of an SQL query.
Statements may also be batched, allowing an application to submit multiple commands to a database as a single unit of execution.
5. Connections
R2DBC uses the Connection
interface to define a logical connection API to the underlying data source.
The structure of a connection depends on the actual requirements of the data source and how the driver implements these.
The data source can be an RDBMS, a stream-oriented data system, or some other source of data with a corresponding R2DBC driver.
A single application that uses R2DBC SPI can maintain multiple connections to either a single data source or across multiple data sources.
From a R2DBC driver perspective, a Connection
object represents a single client session.
It has associated state information, such as user ID and what transaction semantics are in effect.
A Connection
object is not safe for concurrent state-changing by multiple subscribers.
A connection object can be shared across multiple threads that serially run operations by using appropriate synchronization mechanisms.
To obtain a connection, the application can:
Interact with the
class by working with one or moreConnectionFactoryProvider
implementations. -
Directly interact with a
See Establishing a Connection for more details.
5.1. The ConnectionFactory
R2DBC drivers must implement the ConnectionFactory
interface as a mandatory part of the SPI.
Drivers can provide multiple ConnectionFactory
implementations, depending on the protocol in use or aspects that require the use of a different ConnectionFactory
The following listing shows the ConnectionFactory
Interfacepublic interface ConnectionFactory {
Publisher<? extends Connection> create();
ConnectionFactoryMetadata getMetadata();
The following rules apply:
represents a resource factory for deferred connection creation. It may create connections by itself, wrap aConnectionFactory
, or apply connection pooling on top of aConnectionFactory
. -
provides metadata about the driver itself throughConnectionFactoryMetadata
. -
uses deferred initialization and should initiate connection resource allocation after requesting the item (Subscription.request(1)
). -
Connection creation must emit exactly one
or an error signal. -
Connection creation must be cancellable (
). Canceling connection creation must release (“close”) the connection and all associated resources. -
should expect that it can be wrapped. Wrappers must implement theWrapped<ConnectionFactory>
interface and return the underlyingConnectionFactory
gets called.
5.1.1. ConnectionFactory Metadata
instances are required to expose metadata to identify the driver (ConnectionFactory
) and its capabilities.
Metadata must not require a connection to a data source.
The following listing shows the ConnectionFactoryMetadata
Interfacepublic interface ConnectionFactoryMetadata {
String getName();
See the R2DBC SPI Specification for more details.
5.2. ConnectionFactory
Discovery Mechanism
As part of its usage, the ConnectionFactories
class tries to load any R2DBC driver classes referenced by the ConnectionFactoryProvider
interface listed in the Java Service Provider manifests that are available on the classpath.
Drivers must include a file called META-INF/services/io.r2dbc.spi.ConnectionFactoryProvider
This file contains the name of the R2DBC driver’s implementation (or implementations) of io.r2dbc.spi.ConnectionFactoryProvider
To ensure that drivers can be loaded by using this mechanism, io.r2dbc.spi.ConnectionFactoryProvider
implementations are required to provide a no-argument constructor.
The following listing shows a typical META-INF/services/io.r2dbc.spi.ConnectionFactoryProvider
The following listing shows the ConnectionFactoryProvider
Interfacepublic interface ConnectionFactoryProvider {
ConnectionFactory create(ConnectionFactoryOptions connectionFactoryOptions);
boolean supports(ConnectionFactoryOptions connectionFactoryOptions);
String getDriver();
uses a ConnectionFactoryOptions
object to look up a matching driver by using a two-step model:
Look up an adequate
. -
Obtain the
from theConnectionFactoryProvider
implementations are required to return a boolean
indicator whether or not they support a specific configuration represented by ConnectionFactoryOptions
Drivers must expect any plurality of Option
instances to be configured.
Drivers must report that they support a configuration only if the ConnectionFactoryProvider
can provide a ConnectionFactory
based on the given ConnectionFactoryOptions
A typical task handled by supports
is checking driver and protocol options.
Drivers should gracefully fail if a ConnectionFactory
creation through ConnectionFactoryProvider.create(…)
is not possible (i.e. when required options were left unconfigured).
The getDriver()
method reports the driver identifier that is associated with the ConnectionFactoryProvider
implementation to provide diagnostic information to users in misconfiguration cases.
See the R2DBC SPI Specification and ConnectionFactory Discovery for more details.
5.3. The ConnectionFactoryOptions
The ConnectionFactoryOptions
class represents a configuration for a request a ConnectionFactory
from a ConnectionFactoryProvider
It enables the programmatic connection creation approach without using driver-specific classes.
instances are created by using the builder pattern, and properties are configured through Option<T>
A ConnectionFactoryOptions
is immutable once created.
objects are reused as part of the built-in constant pool.
Options are identified by a literal.
defines a set of well-known options:
Constant | URL Literal | Type | Description |
Whether the connection is configured to require SSL. |
Driver identifier. |
Protocol details, such as the network protocol used to communicate with a server. |
User account name. |
User or database password. |
Database server name. |
Database server port number. |
Name of the particular database on a server. |
Connection timeout to obtain a connection. |
The following rules apply:
The set of options is extensible.
Drivers can declare which well-known options they require and which they support.
Drivers can declare which extended options they require and which they support.
Drivers should not fail in creating a connection if more options are declared than the driver consumes, as a
should expect to be wrapped. -
Connection URL Parsing cannot access
type informationT
due to Java’s type erasure. Options obtained by URL parsing beyond well-known keys are represented asString
The following example shows how to set options for a ConnectionFactoryOptions
ConnectionFactoryOptions options = ConnectionFactoryOptions.builder()
.option(ConnectionFactoryOptions.HOST, "…")
.option(Option.valueOf("tenant"), "…")
.option(Option.sensitiveValueOf("encryptionKey"), "…")
See the R2DBC SPI Specification for more details.
5.4. Obtaining Connection
Once a ConnectionFactory
is bootstrapped, connections are obtained from the create()
The following example shows how to obtain a connection:
// factory is a ConnectionFactory object
Publisher<? extends Connection> publisher = factory.create();
The connection is active once it has been emitted by the Publisher
and must be released (“closed”) once it is no longer in use.
5.5. Connection Metadata
Connections are required to expose metadata about the database they are connected to.
Connection Metadata is typically discovered dynamically based from information obtained during Connection
Interfacepublic interface ConnectionMetadata {
String getDatabaseProductName();
String getDatabaseVersion();
See the R2DBC SPI Specification for more details.
5.6. Validating Connection
The Connection.validate(…)
method indicates whether the Connection
is still valid.
The ValidationDepth
argument passed to this method indicates the depth to which a connection should be validated: LOCAL
: Requests client-side-only validation without engaging a remote conversation to validate a connection. -
: Initiates a remote validation by issuing a query or other means to validate a connection and the remote session.
If Connection.validate(…)
emits true
, the Connection
is still valid.
If Connection.validate(…)
emits false
, the Connection
is not valid, and any attempt to perform database interaction fails.
Callers of this method do not expect error signals or empty completion.
5.7. Closing Connection
Calling Connection.close()
prepares a close handle to release the connection and its associated resources.
Connections must be closed to ensure proper resource disposal.
You can use Connection.validate(…)
to determine whether a Connection
has been closed or is still valid.
The following example shows how to close a connection:
// connection is a ConnectionFactory object
Publisher<Void> close = connection.close();
See the R2DBC SPI Specification for more details.
6. Transactions
Transactions are used to provide data integrity, isolation, correct application semantics, and a consistent view of data during concurrent database access. All R2DBC-compliant drivers are required to provide transaction support. Transaction management in the R2DBC SPI reflects SQL concepts:
Auto-commit mode
Transaction isolation levels
This section explains transaction semantics associated with a single Connection
6.1. Transaction Boundaries
You can implicitly or explicitly start transactions.
You can implicitly start a transaction by starting SQL execution when a Connection
is in auto-commit mode (which is the default for newly created connections).
When auto-commit mode is disabled, you can explicitly start a transaction by invoking the beginTransaction()
Transactions are started by either an R2DBC driver or by the underlying database.
The Connection
attribute auto-commit mode specifies when to end transactions.
Enabling auto-commit mode causes a transaction commit after each SQL statement as soon as that statement is completely executed.
6.2. Auto-commit Mode
A ConnectionFactory
creates new Connection
objects with auto-commit mode enabled.
The Connection
interface provides two methods to interact with auto-commit mode:
R2DBC applications should change auto-commit mode by invoking the setAutoCommit
method instead of executing SQL commands to change the connection configuration.
If the value of auto-commit is changed during an active transaction, the current transaction is committed.
If setAutoCommit
is called and the value for auto-commit is not changed from its current value, this is treated as a no-op.
Changing auto-commit mode typically engages database activity.
Therefore, the method returns a Publisher
Querying auto-commit mode is typically a local operation that involves driver state without database communication.
When auto-commit is disabled, you must explicitly start and clean up each transaction by calling the Connection
methods beginTransaction
and commitTransaction
(or rollbackTransaction
), respectively.
This is appropriate for cases where transaction management is being done in a layer above the driver, such as:
The application needs to group multiple SQL statements into a single transaction.
An application container manages the transaction state.
6.3. Transaction Isolation
Transaction isolation levels define the level of visibility (“isolation”) for statements that are run within a transaction. They impact concurrent access while multiple transactions are active.
The default transaction level for a Connection
object is vendor-specific and determined by the driver that supplied the connection.
Typically, it defaults to the transaction level supported by the underlying data source.
The Connection
interface provides two methods to interact with transaction isolation levels:
R2DBC applications should change transaction isolation levels by invoking the setTransactionIsolationLevel
method instead of running SQL commands to change the connection configuration.
Changing transaction isolation levels typically involves database activity.
Therefore, the method returns a Publisher
Changing an isolation level during an active transaction results in implementation-specific behavior.
Querying transaction isolation levels is typically a local operation that involves driver state without database communication.
The return value of the getTransactionIsolationLevel
method should reflect the current isolation level when it actually occurs.
is an extensible runtime constant, so drivers can define their own isolation levels.
A driver may not support transaction levels. Calling getTransactionIsolationLevel
results in returning the vendor-specific IsolationLevel
6.3.1. Performance Considerations
When you increase the transaction isolation level, databases typically require more locking and resource overhead to ensure isolation level semantics. This, in turn, lowers the degree of concurrent access that can be supported. As a result, applications may see degraded performance when they use higher transaction isolation levels. For this reason, a transaction manager, whether it is the application itself or part of the application container, should weigh the need for data consistency against the requirements for performance when determining which transaction isolation level is appropriate.
6.4. Savepoints
Savepoints provide a fine-grained control mechanism by marking intermediate points within a transaction. Once a savepoint has been created, a transaction can be rolled back to that savepoint without affecting preceding work.
6.4.1. Working with Savepoints
The Connection
interface defines methods to interact with savepoints:
Savepoints are created during an active transaction and are valid only as long as the transaction is active.
You can use the createSavepoint
method to set a savepoint within the current transaction.
A transaction is started if createSavepoint
is invoked and there is no active transaction (switching the connection to disabled auto-commit mode).
The rollbackTransactionToSavepoint
method is used to roll back work to a previous savepoint without rolling back the entire transaction.
the following example shows how to roll back a transaction to a savepoint:
// connection is a Connection object
Publisher<Void> begin = connection.beginTransaction();
Publisher<Void> insert1 = connection.createStatement("INSERT INTO books VALUES ('John Doe')").execute();
Publisher<Void> savepoint = connection.createSavepoint("savepoint");
Publisher<Void> insert2 = connection.createStatement("INSERT INTO books VALUES ('Jane Doe')").execute();
Publisher<Void> partialRollback = connection.rollbackTransactionToSavepoint("savepoint");
Publisher<Void> commit = connection.commit();
// publishers are materialized in the order: begin, insert1, savepoint, insert2, partialRollback, commit
Drivers that do not support savepoint creation and rolling back to a savepoint should throw an UnsupportedOperationException
to indicate these features are not supported.
6.4.2. Releasing a Savepoint
Savepoints allocate resources on the databases, and some vendors may require releasing a savepoint to dispose resources.
The Connection
interface defines the releaseSavepoint
method to release savepoints that are no longer needed.
Savepoints that were created during a transaction are released and are invalidated when the transaction is committed or when the entire transaction is rolled back. Rolling a transaction back to a savepoint automatically releases it. A rollback also invalidates any other savepoints that were created after the savepoint in question.
Calling releaseSavepoint
for drivers that do not support savepoint release results in a no-op.
7. Statements
This section describes the Statement
interface. It also describes related topics, including parameterized statement and auto-generated keys.
7.1. The Statement Interface
The Statement
interface defines methods for running SQL statements.
SQL statements may contain parameter bind markers for input parameters.
7.1.1. Creating Statements
objects are created by Connection
objects, as the following example shows:
// connection is a Connection object
Statement statement = connection.createStatement("SELECT title FROM books");
Each Connection
object can create multiple Statement
objects that the program can concurrently run at any time.
Resources that are associated with a statement are released as soon as the connection is closed.
7.1.2. Running Statement Objects
objects are run by calling the execute()
Depending on the SQL, the resulting Publisher
may return one or many Result
A Statement
is always associated with its Connection
Therefore, the connection state affects Statement
execution at execution time.
The following example shows how to run a statement:
// statement is a Statement object
Publisher<? extends Result> publisher = statement.execute();
7.2. Parameterized Statements
The SQL that is used to create a statement can be parameterized by using vendor-specific bind markers. The portability of SQL statements across R2DBC implementations is not a goal.
Parameterized Statement
objects are created by Connection
objects in the same manner as non-parameterized Statements
See the the following example:
objects by using vendor-specific parameter bind markers// connection is a Connection object
Statement statement1 = connection.createStatement("SELECT title FROM books WHERE author = :author");
Statement statement2 = connection.createStatement("SELECT title FROM books WHERE author = @P0");
Statement statement3 = connection.createStatement("SELECT title FROM books WHERE author = $1");
Parameter bind markers are identified by the Statement
Parameterized statements may be cached by R2DBC implementations for reuse (for example, for prepared statement execution).
7.2.1. Binding Parameters
The Statement
interface defines bind(…)
and bindNull(…)
methods to provide parameter values for bind marker substitution.
The parameter type is defined by the actual value that is bound to a parameter.
Each bind method accepts two arguments.
The first is either an ordinal position parameter starting at 0
(zero) or the parameter placeholder representation.
The method of parameter binding (positional or by identifier) is vendor-specific, and a driver should document its preferred binding mechanism.
The second and any remaining parameters specify the value to be assigned to the parameter.
The following example shows how to bind parameters to a statement object by using placeholders:
object by using placeholders// connection is a Connection object
Statement statement = connection.createStatement("SELECT title FROM books WHERE author = $1 and publisher = $2");
statement.bind("$1", "John Doe");
statement.bind("$2", "Happy Books LLC");
Alternatively, parameters can be bound by index, as the following example shows:
object by index// connection is a Connection object
Statement statement = connection.createStatement("SELECT title FROM books WHERE author = $1 and publisher = $2");
statement.bind(0, "John Doe");
statement.bind(1, "Happy Books LLC");
A value must be provided for each bind marker in the Statement
object before the statement can be run.
The execute
method validates a parameterized Statement
and throws an IllegalStateException
if a bind marker is left without a binding.
7.2.2. Batching
Parameterized Statement
objects accept multiple parameter binding sets to submit a batch of commands to the database for running.
A batch run is initiated by invoking the add()
method on the Statement
object after providing all parameters.
After calling add()
, the next set of parameter bindings is provided by calling bind methods accordingly.
The following example shows how to run a batch Statement
batch// connection is a Connection object
Statement statement = connection.createStatement("INSERT INTO books (author, publisher) VALUES ($1, $2)");
statement.bind(0, "John Doe").bind(1, "Happy Books LLC").add();
statement.bind(0, "Jane Doe").bind(1, "Scary Books Inc");
Publisher<? extends Result> publisher = statement.execute();
A batch run emits one or many Result
objects, depending on how the implementation executes the batch.
7.2.3. Setting NULL
You can use the bindNull
method to set any parameter to NULL
It takes two parameters:
Either the ordinal position of the bind marker or the name.
The value type of the parameter.
The following example shows how to set NULL
value.// statement is a Statement object
statement.bindNull(0, String.class);
7.3. Retrieving Auto Generated Values
Many database systems provide a mechanism that automatically generates a value when a row is inserted.
The value that is generated may or may not be unique or represent a key value, depending on the SQL and the table definition.
You can call the returnGeneratedValues
method to retrieve the generated value.
It tells the Statement
object to retrieve generated values.
The method accepts a variable-argument parameter to specify the column names for which to return generated keys.
The emitted Result
exposes a column for each automatically generated value (taking the column name hint into account).
The following example shows how to retrieve auto-generated values:
// connection is a Connection object
Statement statement = connection.createStatement("INSERT INTO books (author, publisher) VALUES ('John Doe', 'Happy Books LLC')").returnGeneratedValues("id");
Publisher<? extends Result> publisher = statement.execute();
// later
result.map((row, metadata) -> row.get("id"));
When column names are not specified, the R2DBC driver implementation determines the columns or value to return.
See the R2DBC SPI Specification for more details.
7.4. Performance Hints
The Statement
interface provides a method that you can use to provide hints to a R2DBC driver.
Calling fetchSize
applies a fetch-size hint to each query produced by the statement.
Hints provided to the driver through this interface may be ignored by the driver if they are not appropriate or supported.
Back-pressure hints can be used by drivers to derive an appropriate fetch size. To optimize for performance, it can be useful to provide hints to the driver on a per-statement basis to avoid unwanted interference of back-pressure hint propagation.
Note that back-pressure should be considered a utility for flow control and not to limit the result size. Result size limitations should be part of the query statement.
8. Batches
This section describes the Batch
8.1. The Batch Interface
The Batch
interface defines methods for running groups of SQL statements.
SQL statements may not contain parameter bind markers for input parameters.
A batch is created to run multiple SQL statements for performance reasons.
8.1.1. Creating Batches
objects are created by Connection
objects, as the following example shows:
// connection is a Connection object
Batch batch = connection.createBatch();
Each Connection
object can create multiple Batch
objects that can be used concurrently by the program and can be run at any time.
Resources that are associated with a batch are released as soon as the connection is closed.
8.1.2. Executing Batch Objects
objects are run by calling the execute()
method after adding one or more SQL statements to a Batch
The resulting Publisher
returns a Result
object for each statement in the batch.
A Batch
is always associated with its Connection
Therefore, the connection state affects Batch
execution at run time.
The following example shows how to run a batch:
// connection is a Connection object
Batch batch = connection.createBatch();
Publisher<? extends Result> publisher = batch.add("SELECT title, author FROM books")
.add("INSERT INTO books VALUES('John Doe', 'HappyBooks LLC')")
See the R2DBC SPI Specification for more details.
9. Results
This section explains the Result
interface and the related Row
interface. It also describes related topics, including result consumption.
9.1. Result Characteristics
objects are forward-only and read-only objects that allow consumption of two result types:
Tabular results
Update count
Results move forward from the first Row
to the last one. After emitting the last row, a Result
object gets invalidated and rows from the same Result
object can no longer be consumed.
Rows contained in the result depend on how the underlying database materializes the results.
That is, it contains the rows that satisfy the query at either the time the query is run or as the rows are retrieved.
An R2DBC driver can obtain a Result
either directly or by using cursors.
reports the number of rows affected for SQL statements, such as updates for SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements.
The update count can be empty for statements that do not modify rows.
After emitting the update count, a Result
object gets invalidated and rows from the same Result
object can no longer be consumed.
The following example shows how to get a count of updated rows:
// result is a Result object
Publisher<Integer> rowsUpdated = result.getRowsUpdated();
The streaming nature of a result allows consumption of either tabular results or an update count. Depending on how the underlying database materializes results, an R2DBC driver can lift this limitation.
A Result
object is emitted for each statement result in a forward-only direction.
9.2. Creating Result
A Result
object is most often created as the result of running a Statement
The Statement.execute()
method returns a Publisher
that emits a Result
objects as the result of running the statement.
The following example shows how to create a Result
object// connection is a Connection object
Statement statement = connection.createStatement("SELECT title, author FROM books");
Publisher<? extends Result> results = statement.execute();
The Result
object emits a Row
object for each row in the books
table (which contains two columns: title
and author
The following sections detail how these rows and columns can be consumed.
9.2.1. Cursor Movement
objects can be backed by direct results (that is, a query that returns results directly) or by cursors.
By consuming Row
objects, an R2DBC driver advances the cursor position.
Thus, external cursor navigation is not possible.
Canceling subscription of tabular results stops cursor reads and releases any resources associated with the Result
9.3. Rows
A Row
object represents a single row of tabular results.
9.3.1. Retrieving Values
The Result
interface provides a map(…)
method for retrieving values from Row
The map
method accepts a BiFunction
(also referred to as mapping function) object that accepts Row
and RowMetadata
The mapping function is called upon row emission with Row
and RowMetadata
A Row
is only valid during the mapping function callback and is invalid outside of the mapping function callback.
Thus, Row
objects must be entirely consumed by the mapping function.
The Column and Row Metadata section contains additional details on metadata.
9.4. Interface Methods
The following methods are available on the Row
Object get(int)
Object get(String)
<T> T get(int, Class<T>)
<T> T get(String, Class<T>)
get(int[, Class])
methods accept column indexes starting at 0, get(String[, Class])
methods accept column name aliases as they are represented in the result.
Column names used as input to the get
methods are case insensitive.
Column names do not necessarily reflect the column names as they are in the underlying tables but, rather, how columns are represented (for example, aliased) in the result.
The following example shows how to create and consume a Row
by using its index:
using its index// result is a Result object
Publisher<Object> values = result.map((row, rowMetadata) -> row.get(0));
The following example shows how to create and consume a Row
by using its column name:
by using its column name// result is a Result object
Publisher<Object> titles = result.map((row, rowMetadata) -> row.get("title"));
Calling get
without specifying a target type returns a suitable value representation according to Mapping of Data Types.
When you specify a target type, the R2DBC driver tries to convert the value to the target type.
The following example shows how to creat and consume a Row
with type conversion:
with type conversion// result is a Result object
Publisher<String> values = result.map((row, rowMetadata) -> row.get(0, String.class));
You can also consume multiple columns from a Row
, as the following example shows:
// result is a Result object
Publisher<Book> values = result.map((row, rowMetadata) -> {
String title = row.get("title", String.class);
String author = row.get("author", String.class);
return new Book(title, author);
When the column value in the database is SQL NULL
, it can be returned to the Java application as null
null values cannot be returned as Reactive Streams values and must be wrapped for subsequent usage.
Invalidating a Row does not release Blob and Clob objects that were obtained from the Row . These objects remain valid for at least the duration of the transaction in which they were created, unless their discard() method is called.
10. Column and Row Metadata
The RowMetadata
interface is implemented by R2DBC drivers to provide information about tabular results.
It is used primarily by libraries and applications to determine the properties of a row and its columns.
In cases where the result properties of an SQL statement are unknown until it is run, the RowMetadata
can be used to determine the actual properties of a row.
exposes ColumnMetadata
for each column in the result.
Drivers should provide ColumnMetadata
on a best-effort basis.
Column metadata is typically a by-product of statement execution.
The amount of available information is vendor-dependent.
Metadata retrieval can require additional lookups (internal queries) to provide a complete metadata descriptor.
Issuing queries during result processing conflicts with the streaming nature of R2DBC.
Consequently, ColumnMetadata
declares two sets of methods: methods that must be implemented and methods that can optionally be implemented by drivers.
10.1. Obtaining a RowMetadata
A RowMetadata
object is created during tabular results consumption through Result.map(…)
It is created for each row. The following example illustrates retrieval and usage by using an anonymous inner class:
and retrieving ColumnMetadata
// result is a Result object
result.map(new BiFunction<Row, RowMetadata, Object>() {
public Object apply(Row row, RowMetadata rowMetadata) {
ColumnMetadata my_column = rowMetadata.getColumnMetadata("my_column");
ColumnMetadata.Nullability nullability = my_column.getNullability();
// …
10.2. Retrieving ColumnMetadata
methods are used to retrieve metadata for a single column or all columns.
returns theColumnMetadata
by using a zero-based index. See Guidelines and Requirements. -
returns theColumnMetadata
by using the column name. -
returns an unmodifiable collection ofColumnMetadata
10.3. Retrieving General Information for a Column
declares methods to access column metadata on a best-effort basis.
Column metadata that is available as a by-product of running a statement must be made available through ColumnMetadata
Metadata exposure requiring interaction with the database (for example, issuing queries to information schema entities to resolve type properties) should not be exposed, because methods on ColumnMetadata
are expected to be non-blocking.
Implementation note: Drivers can use metadata from a static mapping or obtain metadata indexes on connection creation. |
The following example shows how to consume ColumnMetadata
by using lambdas:
information// row is a RowMetadata object
row.getColumnMetadatas().forEach(columnMetadata -> {
String name = columnMetadata.getName();
Integer precision = columnMetadata.getPrecision();
Integer scale = columnMetadata.getScale();
See the API specification for more details.
11. Exceptions
This section explains how R2DBC uses and declares exceptions to provide information about various types of failures.
An exception is thrown by a driver when an error occurs during interaction with the driver or a data source. R2DBC differentiates between generic and data-source-specific error cases.
11.1. General Exceptions
R2DBC defines the following general exceptions:
11.1.1. IllegalArgumentException
Drivers throw IllegalArgumentException
if a method has been received an illegal or inappropriate argument (such as values that are out of bounds or an expected parameter is null
This exception is a generic exception that is not associated with an error code or an SQLState
11.1.2. IllegalStateException
Drivers throw IllegalStateException
if a method has received an argument that is invalid in the current state or when an argument-less method is invoked in a state that does not allow execution in the current state (such as interacting with a closed connection object).
This exception is a generic exception that is not associated with an error code or an SQLState
11.1.3. UnsupportedOperationException
Drivers throw UnsupportedOperationException
if the driver does not support certain functionality (such as when a method implementation cannot be provided).
This exception is a generic exception that is not associated with an error code or an SQLState
11.1.4. R2dbcException
Drivers throw an instance of R2dbcException
when an error occurs during an interaction with a data source.
The exception contains the following information:
A textual description of the error. You can retrieve the
that contains the description by invokingR2dbcException.getMessage()
. Drivers may provide a localized message variant. -
. TheString
that contains theSQLState
can be retrieved by calling theR2dbcException.getSqlState()
method. The value of theSQLState
string depends on the underlying data source. -
An error code. The code is an integer value that identifies the error that caused the
to be thrown. Its value and meaning are implementation-specific and may be the actual error code returned by the underlying data source. You can retrieve the error code by using theR2dbcException.getErrorCode()
method. -
A cause. This is another
that caused thisR2dbcException
to occur.
11.2. Categorized Exceptions
Categorized exceptions provide a standard mapping to common error states. An R2DBC driver should provide specific subclasses to indicate affinity with the driver.
Categorized exceptions provide a standardized approach for R2DBC clients and R2DBC users to translate common exceptions into an application-specific state without the need to implement SQLState
-based exception translation, resulting in more portable error-handling code.
R2DBC categorizes exceptions into two top-level categories:
11.2.1. Non-Transient Exceptions
A non-transient exception must extend the abstract class, R2dbcNonTransientException
A non-transient exception is thrown when a retry of the same operation would fail unless the cause of the error is corrected.
After a non-transient exception other than R2dbcNonTransientResourceException
, the application can assume that a connection is still valid.
R2DBC defines the following subclasses of non-transient exceptions:
: Thrown when the SQL statement has a problem in its syntax. -
: Thrown when an attempt to insert or update data results in a violation of an integrity constraint. -
: Thrown when the underlying resource denied a permission to access a specific element, such as a specific database table. -
: Thrown when a resource fails completely and the failure is permanent. A connection may not be considered valid if this exception is thrown.
11.2.2. Transient Exceptions
A transient exception must extend the abstract class, R2dbcTransientException
A transient exception is thrown when a previously failed operation might be able to succeed if the operation is retried without any intervention in application-level functionality.
After a non-transient exception other than R2dbcTransientResourceException
, the application may assume that a connection is still valid.
: Thrown when an attempt to commit a transaction resulted in an unexpected rollback due to deadlock or transaction serialization failures. -
: Thrown when the timeout specified by a database operation (query, login, and so on) is exceeded. This could have different causes (depending on the database API in use) but is most likely thrown after the database interrupts or stops the processing of a query before it has completed. -
: Thrown when a resource fails temporarily and the operation can be retried. A connection may not be considered valid if this exception is thrown.
12. Data Types
This chapter discusses the use of data types from Java and database perspectives. The R2DBC SPI gives applications access to data types that are defined as SQL. R2DBC is not limited to SQL types, and, in fact, the SPI is type-agnostic.
If a data source does not support a data type described in this chapter, a driver for that data source is not required to implement the methods and interfaces associated with that data type.
12.1. Mapping of Data Types
This section explains how SQL-specific types are mapped to Java types. The list is not exhaustive and should be received as a guideline for drivers. R2DBC drivers should use modern types and type descriptors to exchange data for consumption by applications and consumption by the driver. Driver implementations should implement the following type mapping and can support additional type mappings:
The following table describes the SQL type mapping for character types:
SQL Type | Description | Java Type |
Character string, fixed length. |
Variable-length character string, maximum length fixed. |
The |
The |
A Character Large OBject (or |
The |
The following table describes the SQL type mapping for boolean types:
SQL Type | Description | Java Type |
A value that represents a boolean state. |
The following table describes the SQL type mapping for binary types:
SQL Type | Description | Java Type |
Binary data, fixed length. |
A variable-length character string, the maximum length of which is fixed. |
A Binary Large OBject (or |
The following table describes the SQL type mapping for numeric types:
SQL Type | Description | Java Type |
Represents an integer. The minimum and maximum values depend on the DBMS (typically 4-byte precision). |
Same as the |
Same as the |
Same as the |
Fixed precision and scale numbers with precision ( |
Represents an approximate numerical with mantissa precision ( |
Same as the |
Same as the |
The following table describes the SQL type mapping for datetime types:
SQL Type | Description | Java Type |
Represents a date without specifying a time part and without a timezone. |
Represents a time without a date part and without a timezone. |
Represents a time with a timezone offset. |
Represents a date and time without a timezone. |
Represents a date and time with a timezone offset. |
The following table describes the SQL type mapping for collection types:
SQL Type | Description | Java Type |
Represents a collection of items with a base type. |
Array-Variant of the corresponding Java type (for example, |
Vendor-specific types (such as spatial data types, structured JSON or XML data, and user-defined types) are subject to vendor-specific mapping.
12.2. Mapping of Advanced Data Types
The R2DBC SPI declares default mappings for advanced data types. The following list describes data types and the interfaces to which they map:
: TheBlob
interface -
: TheClob
12.2.1. Blob
and Clob
An implementation of a Blob
or Clob
object may either be locator-based or fully materialize the object in the driver.
Drivers should prefer locator-based Blob
and Clob
interface implementations to reduce pressure on the client when materializing results.
For implementations that fully materialize Large OBjects (LOBs), the Blob
and Clob
objects remain valid until the LOB is consumed or the discard()
method is called.
Portable applications should not depend upon the LOB validity past the end of a transaction.
12.2.2. Creating Blob
and Clob
Large objects are backed by a Publisher
that emits the component type of the large object, such as ByteBuffer
for BLOB
and CharSequence
(or a subtype of it) for CLOB
Both interfaces provide factory methods to create implementations to be used with Statement
The following example shows how to create a Clob
object// charstream is a Publisher<String> object
// statement is a Statement object
Clob clob = Clob.from(charstream);
statement.bind("text", clob);
12.2.3. Retrieving Blob
and Clob
Objects from a Row
The Binary Large OBject (BLOB
) and Character Large OBject (CLOB
) data types are treated similarly to primitive built-in types.
You can retrieve values of these types by calling the get(…)
methods on the Row
The following example shows how to do so:
object// result is a Row object
Publisher<Clob> clob = result.map((row, rowMetadata) -> row.get("clob", Clob.class));
The Clob
interface contains methods for returning the content and for releasing resources associated with the Clob
object instance.
The API documentation provides more details.
12.2.4. Accessing Blob
and Clob
The Blob
and Clob
interfaces declare methods to consume the content of each type.
Content streams follow Reactive Streams specifications and reflect the stream nature of large objects.
As a result, Blob
and Clob
objects can be consumed only once.
Large object data consumption can be canceled by calling the discard()
method if the content stream was not consumed at all. Alternatively, if the content stream was consumed, a Subscription
cancellation releases resources that are associated with the large object.
The following example shows how to consume Clob
object// clob is a Clob object
Publisher<CharSequence> charstream = clob.stream();
12.2.5. Releasing Blob
and Clob
and Clob
objects remain valid for at least the duration of the transaction in which they are created.
This could potentially result in an application running out of resources during a long-running transaction.
Applications may release Blob
and Clob
by either consuming the content stream or disposing of resources by calling the discard()
The following example shows how to free Clob
resources without consuming it:
object resources// clob is a Clob object
Publisher<Void> charstream = clob.discard();
13. Extensions
This section covers optional extensions to the R2DBC Core. Extensions provide features that are not mandatory for R2DBC implementations.
13.1. Wrapped Interface
The Wrapped
interface provides a way to access an instance of a resource which has been wrapped and for implementors to expose wrapped resources.
This mechanism helps to eliminate the need to use non-standard means to access vendor-specific resources.
13.1.1. Usage
A wrapper for a R2DBC SPI type is expected to implement the Wrapped
interface so that callers can extract the original instance. Any R2DBC SPI interface type can be wrapped.
The following example shows how to expose a wrapped resource:
and exposing the underlying resource.class ConnectionWrapper implements Connection, Wrapped<Connection> {
private final Connection wrapped;
public Connection unwrap() {
return this.wrapped;
// constructors and implementation methods omitted for brevity.
13.1.3. The unwrap
The unwrap
method is used to return an object that implements the specified interface, allowing access to vendor-specific methods.
The returned object may either be the object found to implement the specified interface or a wrapper for that object.
Wrappers can be unwrapped recursively.
The following example shows how to unwrap a wrapped object:
// connection is a Connection object implementing Wrapped
if (connection instanceof Wrapped) {
connection = ((Wrapped<Connection>) connection).unwrap();
13.2. Closeable Interface
The io.r2dbc.spi.Closeable
interface provides a mechanism for objects associated with resources to release these resources once the object is no longer in use.
The associated resources are released without blocking the caller.
13.2.1. Usage
A closeable object is expected to implement the Closeable
interface so that callers can obtain a Publisher
to initiate the close operation and get notified upon completion.
The following example shows how to close a connection:
.// connection is a Connection object
Publisher<Void> close = connection.close();
implements Closeable
as a mandatory part of R2DBC.
Any stateful object (such as ConnectionFactory
) can implement Closeable
to provide a way to release its resources.